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Broken aluminium alternator bracket Welded aluminium alternator bracket

Above is an aluminium alternator bracket damaged in an accident. The result is not pretty, but sometimes pretty comes second to functional. We repaired this with aluminium TIG welding.

Cracked aluminium alternator bracket Welding repair aluminium alternator bracket

Above is another aluminium alternator bracket damaged in an accident. We repaired this with aluminium TIG welding.

Worn aluminium cover plate Welding repair to damaged aluminium gearbox

Here, we have an aluminium engine cover plate with enlarged mounting holes. We welded up the holes with aluminium TIG welding and machined the surfaces down. We recreated the new mounting holes.

Cracked aluminium cylinder head ports Welding repair to cracked aluminium cylinder head ports

Above, we have an aluminium head with a crack between the intake and exhaust ports. We removed the valve seats and TIG welded the cracked aluminium ports. We ground the ports after welding and installed new valve seats.

Damaged aluminium intake manifold Welding repair to aluminium intake manifold

Here we have a Nissan intake manifold damaged by a falling workshop tool. We shaped the aluminium sheets to the desired shapes and TIG welded the manifold back together. We also re-instated the mounting lug that was broken out when damaged.

Broken mounting lug on oil pump Welding repair to oil pump mounting flange

Above, we have an oil pump with a broken mounting lug. We re-created and repaired the lug with aluminium welding and machined the surfaces and hole back to specifications.

Cracked aluminium tappet cover Welded cracked aluminium tappet cover

Here we have an aluminium valve cover that has a crack running through one side. We completed this welding repair with aluminium TIG welding and machined the mating surfaces.

Broken tappet cover mount Welded aluminium tappet cover mount

Again, we have an aluminium valve cover but this one has a broken corner mounting. We welded the corner back in place, being careful to preserve the gasket groove.

Worn cam drive pin hole Dual cam drive pins installed

Here we have a camshaft sprocket with a broken locating drive pin. When this pin broke, it elongated the drive hole in the sprocket. We installed two new drive pins into the sprocket, and matching locating holes in the camshaft. We installed the pins to maintain the same camshaft timing as the original.

Repair leaking water distributor pipes Replaced leaking pipes on water distributor

Above is a water distribution block with two leaking outlet pipes. We removed the old pipes and installed the new machined pipes to complete the repair. The owner requested the change to the curved pipe.