The magnesium welding done at Smartco Projects is based on repairs. That includes components for motor vehicles and motorcycles. We also do repairs on industrial parts and assemblies.
For more magnesium repairs and processes, see our picture gallery.
Magnesium welding is very similar to welding aluminium. In most cases, the part being repaired is very dirty, painted, or soiled with oil, which seeps into the magnesium castings. A huge amount of time and effort goes into preparing the parent metal to present a clean and grime free surface to weld on. Without this preparation work, we will fill the weld with porosity. This makes the weld untidy, weak, and unreliable.
Although aluminium and magnesium look and weld in a similar way, magnesium is between 33 to 36% lighter. When alloyed, it has one of the highest strength to weight ratios of all the structural metals.